Pack Size: 5kg

LEAFLET – Ferrilene

Valagro’s Ferrilene® line is a range of Iron chelates for the prevention and cure of Iron deficiencies in all soil and crop types.


Ferrilene® line consists of two specific Iron chelates (EDDHA and EDDHSA) which have high efficacy over a wide range of adverse situations where availability of Iron in the soil is poor. Ferriline® line:

  • Ferrilene® 4.8 (EDDHA-Fe)
  • Ferrilene® Trium (EDDHA-Fe, EDDHSA-Fe, EDTA-Mn)
  • Ferrilene® (EDDHSA-Fe)


Ferrilene® line are soluble micro granules suitable fertigation or soil application. They dissolve rapidly and completely and remains in solution ready for rapid uptake in the soil.


The actual rates, number of applications and their timing will vary for different crops and for different soils. Before application, seek advice from your Campbell’s distributor.